#! Ramblings
of an autodidact...
#! Ramblings
Playing around with adding plugins to Pelican

Wanted to add some extra styling to my blog posts

Some parts of my blog were looking pretty blah

Math syntax

I've been tweaking my blog like crazy. Just making minor changes here and there. I wanted to make things look a little better.

For instance, for my rescaling article, I had the following mathematical syntax:

ScaledQuantity = (ActualQuantity-MinQuantity)/(MaxQuantity-MinQuantity)

What the hell is that? That looks horrible! I know that markdown supports Latex, so I looked and found this awesome resource: Writing Mathematic Formulars in Markdown

ScaledQuantity = \frac{ActualQuantity-MinQuantity}{MaxQuantity-MinQuantity}

Um, not quite there yet. Something was up. I searched to see if Pelican had any plugins for rendering math and sure enough, found that pelican-plugins included render_math. I followed the instructions and cloned the repo into my blog directory. Probably should have dropped it somewhere outside of it, but I added it to my .gitignore and it's fine...

I added the following to my pelicanconf.py file:

PLUGIN_PATHS = ['./pelican-plugins']
PLUGINS = ['render_math']

I tried the previous code once again and was still getting the same results. After some more reading I found that you have to enclose the mathematical equation within double $.

$$ScaledQuantity = \frac{ActualQuantity-MinQuantity}{MaxQuantity-MinQuantity}$$


Markdown tables

My original tables were so bland that it was almost hard to tell that they were even tables! Unfortunately I didn't save a screenshot of it, so I can't show you what they looked like, but I can definitely show you the end result! Thanks to mockaroo I was able to generate some mock data relatively quickly.

id first_name last_name email gender ip_address
1 Odilia O'Meara oomeara0@yahoo.co.jp Female
2 Marcelo Tunna mtunna1@netvibes.com Male
3 Farris Roston froston2@ucla.edu Male
4 Gene Benzies gbenzies3@nymag.com Male
5 Ellsworth Goodered egoodered4@hud.gov Male
6 Jan Garnsworth jgarnsworth5@amazon.de Male
7 Robby Rosenstengel rrosenstengel6@chron.com Female
8 Granthem Rymer grymer7@yolasite.com Male
9 Claire Stuther cstuther8@salon.com Female
10 Maggy Jearum mjearum9@npr.org Female

CSS changes

I hope it doesn't bite me in the butt later on, but I'm forcing the table headers into uppercase. In case anyone is curious, this are the styles that I added to the theme:

table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
  width: 90%;

td, th {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  padding: 8px;

tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2;}

tr:hover {background-color: #ddd;}

th {
  padding-top: 12px;
  padding-bottom: 12px;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-weight: bold;
  background-color: #607D8B;
  color: white;

.math {
  font-size: medium;

The default math syntax rendering was kind of small, so I changed the font-size to medium.

On a side note

I noticed that some of my changes wouldn't take effect until after I removed the pycache and .pytest_cache directories. In order to automate this, I modified my Makefile's clean code to the following:

    [ ! -d $(OUTPUTDIR) ] || rm -rf $(OUTPUTDIR)
    rm -rf __pycache__
    rm -rf .pytest_cache


This web development stuff is pretty complex. There are lots of moving parts, so I give all of my fellow web developers a high-five for being so awesome! I can see how this can be pretty overwhelming if you're new to this, but just keep at it and you'll get there.

This old dog can still learn some new tricks!

Finally getting the hang of working with Pelican!

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Rescaling values for DataScience

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This is my first post here

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